Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Final project proposal

I haven't come up with a single concrete idea for the final yet, but I am interested in elaborating more on my Ugg boot advertisement, maybe using one or more different companies that make their products out of animal skin/fur and turning their advertisements against those kinds of products. I was also thinking about appropriating bits and pieces of different advertisements and putting them all together to create one ad representing a single message like my Ugg ad. The other idea I had was about the way magazine companies heavily edit celebrities who appear on their cover, often making them skinnier, taking out freckles or other marks on the skin, in the end making the celebrities look like something they're not. I've seen a lot of before and after pictures like this. For the project I would find celebrity head shots (for both genders) and take out the eyes, mouth, or nose etc and use that to create a person made entirely of celebrities' facial features.

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