Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Artistic Mapping Assignment

I chose to map 2 different songs from my favorite band Motion City Soundtrack, because I love music and this band has been a big influence on my life. These 2 songs in particular, "Attractive Today" and "Everything Is Alright", are about insecurities, and trying to be okay with who you are. I chose theses songs because I feel like they really describe how I'm feeling at this point in my life.

What I did for this assignment, was list every word used in each song, and how many times it was used. Then I converted that number into a font size. So the bigger the word, the more times it was used. I thought about doing 4 songs, but I like the simplicity of the piece. You can zoom in and read all the tiny words and get a sense of what the songs are.

When I look at my finished piece, I get a sense of relaxation, and calmness, but that's probably because I know what the songs sound like. I also feel like it's reassuring me that everything will be okay, and that it's okay to feel sad every now and then.

1 comment:

  1. This is a creative way to map the lyrics of a song! As discussed in critique, it would be interesting to map different genres and styles to see how the words would change.
    Here is Camille Utterback’s text rain piece, as discussed in critique
